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“Love the art in yourself; not yourself in the art.” -Constantin Stanislavsky


Welcome Home Cabaret


September 17 – 18, 2021 8:00p

I have the honor of performing a song in the Welcome Home Cabaret with Studio Playhouse in Montclair, New Jersey.

This is sure to be a joyful performance of amazing local talent singing nothing but happy and gleeful songs!

Director: Kevin Ohlweiler

Music Directors: Darren Gage & Brian Walters

Tickets $20.00 which can be purchased here.

Masks over nose and mouth required, regardless of vaccination status.

Smokey Joe’s Cafe (In-person!)

Let’s be honest, it’s been a tough year. Melissa writing here. Things have changed and these updates deserve my personal voice going forward.

Just as I was easing back to performing after a few years off, in a role that is exciting, challenging, and such a blast, a global pandemic hit. The production of “The Wedding Singer” (Julia Gulia) kept getting postponed and then finally cancelled, of course. 

But I have nothing but gratitude for the pandemic times as I have been so much luckier than others who have suffered.


But, great news! Vaccinated and ready to go!

Catch me singing and dancing in “Smokey Joe’s Cafe: The Songs of Lieber and Stroller” with Pleasant Valley Productions based in West Orange, New Jersey. With a Broadway veteran, award winning director, this is sure to be super fun in the beautiful summer nights at outdoor stage Oskar Shindler Performing Arts Center. Tickets will be accessible to most: $5-10.

July 16, 17, 23, 24, 2021.

I am honored to join this stellar cast and new community in our new normal.

“I’m a WOMAN: W-O-M-A-N”!


BroadwayWorld press release for the full season here:



Julia Guglia!

Melissa returns to theatre as Julia in “The Wedding Singer”

Melissa is so excited to perform the role of Julia in “The Wedding Singer” at Congregation Rodeph Sholom on the UWS. She is surrounded by an amazing and supportive cast.

Ready to explore this hilarious show!

April 29 – May 3 (no show Friday). 

Buy tickets here:

A Christmas Carol

Happy 2016! May all your dreams come true.

In December of 2015, Melissa had the honor of performing in A Christmas Carol at The Queens Theater with Titan Theater Company playing Martha Cratchit/Fan/Belle Understudy/Dance Captain. The Queens Theater is located in the historic site of the 1964 World’s Fair.


The production got rave reviews! You can read some here:

Broadway World Photo Flash

The Queens Ledger

The Queens Chronicle

The Times Ledger


See Melissa as Fan telling Young Scrooge he gets to return home.



Gruff: The Musical!

On May 1, 2015, Melissa had the honor of participating in a staged reading of a new musical called Gruff: The Musical. The story is based off of The Three Billy Goats Gruff fairy tale- music by Kyle Fackrell and lyrics by Paul Schultz. Stay tuned for future engagements!

Below, enjoy a clip of the duet “The Land of Yum”.

Flash Mob

So much fun!
In April 2015, Melissa was part of a fun flash mob to promote Cambria Inn and  Suites.

Below you can see some highlights from the day of rehearsals and executions.



The Children’s Hour

In June of 2014, Melissa had the honor of playing Evelynn Munn in Roundtable Theater Lab’s inaugural production of The Children’s Hour by Lillian Hellman. Find the theater’s website here.

What a wonderfully written play with a great story!

See below, the class of 1934.

Screen Shot 2014-08-11 at 5.26.41 PM

Oliver! Media and reviews

Happy New Year! 2014 is going to be a fantastic year.

Thanks to Adam Jason Photography, we have some wonderful photos of Steampunk Oliver! at The Secret Theater from December 2013 where Melissa played Bet.

Bet gets lifted.

Bet gets lifted while wearing a skirt made out of newspaper!

"Who cares if straight laces sneer at us in the street? Fine airs and fine graces don't have to sin to eat."

“Who cares if straight laces sneer at us in the street? Fine airs and fine graces don’t have to sin to eat.”

"It's A Fine Life"

“It’s A Fine Life”

"That's Your Funeral"

“That’s Your Funeral”

Melissa was honored to be nominated for a New York IT Award for Best Supporting Actress in an Off-Off-Broadway show. Here is their website.

Here are some rave reviews!

Queens Courier “Nancy’s sister Bet is well played by Melissa Joiner.”

The Queens Chronicle

The Times Ledger

Piggy Nation photos

Happy Holidays! Here are some photos from Melissa performing in Piggy Nation: The Musical! Off-Broadway at the Snapple Theater. Oliver! photos and reviews coming soon!

Sammy and Lacey love blowing bubbles!

Sammy and Lacey love blowing bubbles!

An fan and audience member joins the Leppards for a photo.

An fan and audience member joins the Leppards for a photo.

Lacey and Sammy reminisce about the swings on the play ground.

Lacey and Sammy reminisce about the swings on the play ground.


Melissa is ecstatic to announce her new show: OLIVER! at The Secret Theatre in Long Island City.
She’ll be playing Bet, a 13-year-old pick pocketing wench!
This production will be performed in the Steam Punk genre, and it’s not to be missed.

The show will run December 6-22 at

4402 23rd Street
Long Island City, NY 11101
(718) 392-0722


Learn more about steam punk here.
Buy tickets here.

Learn more about The Secret Theatre here.